I make unique websites

My name is David Out and i am a student with a self taught passion for UI & UX design and web development .



How i learned

About me

I am a student with a passion for design and programming who is available for freelance work. I started programming when I was about fourteen, after 3 years of experience with the Java language I started to get interested in web development. After following the 'Web development bootcamp' London App Brewery I was able to make my own projects. After a little over a year of experience with web development, I started freelancing.

What can i do for you?

Web development

I can convert your website design into a full responsive website.

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UI & UX Design

I can redesign your website of design a website from scratch for you.

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Java / Spigot Development

I can code a spigot plugin from scratch for you in java.

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Want to start a project

Lets Talk!